SDP Master Leaf Node

class tmcprototype.sdpmasterleafnode.src.sdpmasterleafnode.sdp_master_leaf_node.SdpMasterLeafNode(*args, **kwargs)

The primary responsibility of the SDP Subarray Leaf node is to monitor the SDP Subarray and issue control actions during an observation.

Device Properties

SdpMasterFQDN:Property to provide FQDN of SDP Master Device

Device Attributes

VersionInfo:Provides Version information of TANGO device.
 String providing information about the current activity in SDPLeafNode.
 List of Processing Block devices
SdpHealthState:Forwarded attribute to provide SDP Master Health State
class tmcprototype.sdpmasterleafnode.src.sdpmasterleafnode.off_command.Off(*args, **kwargs)

A class for SDP master’s Off() command. Off command is inherited from SKABaseDevice.

It Sets the opState to Off.


Method to invoke Off command on Sdp.

Parameters:argin – None.
Returns:A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status.

The message is for information purpose only.

Return type:(ResultCode, str)
class tmcprototype.sdpmasterleafnode.src.sdpmasterleafnode.disable_command.Disable(*args, **kwargs)

A class for SDP master’s Disable() command. Disable command is inherited from BaseCommand.

Sets the opState to Disable.


Method to invoke Disable command on sdp.

Parameters:argin – None.
class tmcprototype.sdpmasterleafnode.src.sdpmasterleafnode.on_command.On(*args, **kwargs)

A class for SDP master’s On() command. On command is inherited from SKABaseDevice.

Informs the SDP that it can start executing Processing Blocks. Sets the opState to ON.


Method to invoke On command on sdp.

Parameters:argin – None.
Returns:A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status.

The message is for information purpose only.

Return type:(ResultCode, str)
class tmcprototype.sdpmasterleafnode.src.sdpmasterleafnode.standby_command.Standby(*args, **kwargs)

A class for SDP Master’s Standby() command. Standby command is inherited from BaseCommand.

Informs the SDP to stop any executing Processing. To get into the STANDBY state all running PBs will be aborted. In normal operation we expect diable should be triggered without first going into STANDBY.


Method to invoke Standby command on sdp.

Parameters:argin – None.