CSP Master Leaf Node

class tmcprototype.cspmasterleafnode.src.cspmasterleafnode.csp_master_leaf_node.CspMasterLeafNode(*args, **kwargs)

The primary responsibility of the SDP Subarray Leaf node is to monitor the SDP Subarray and issue control actions during an observation.

Device Properties

CspMasterFQDN:Property to provide FQDN of CSP Master Device


CspHealthState:Forwarded attribute to provide CSP Master Health State
 Attribute to provide activity message
class tmcprototype.cspmasterleafnode.src.cspmasterleafnode.off_command.Off(*args, **kwargs)

A class for CspMasterLeafNode’s Off() command. Off command is inherited from SKABaseDevice.

It Sets the OpState to Off.


Method to invoke Off command on CSP Element.

Parameters:argin – None.
Returns:A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only.
Return type:(ResultCode, str)
class tmcprototype.cspmasterleafnode.src.cspmasterleafnode.on_command.On(*args, **kwargs)

A class for CspMasterLeafNode’s On() command. On command is inherited from SKABaseDevice.

It Sets the OpState to On.


Method to invoke On command on CSP Element.

Parameters:argin – None
Returns:A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only.
Return type:(ResultCode, str)
Raises:DevFailed on communication failure with CspMaster or CspMaster is in error state.
class tmcprototype.cspmasterleafnode.src.cspmasterleafnode.standby_command.Standby(*args, **kwargs)

A class for CspMasterLeafNode’s Standby() command. Standby command is inherited from BaseCommand.

It Sets the OpState to Standby.


Method to invoke Standby command on CSP Element.

Parameters:argin – DevStringArray.

If the array length is 0, the command applies to the whole CSP Element. If the array length is > 1 , each array element specifies the FQDN of the CSP SubElement to put in STANDBY mode.

Raises:DevFailed on communication failure with CspMaster or CspMaster is in error state.