Subarray Node

Subarray Node Provides the monitoring and control interface required by users as well as other TM Components (such as OET, Central Node) for a Subarray.

class tmcprototype.subarraynode.src.subarraynode.subarray_node.SubarrayNode(*args, **kwargs)

Provides the monitoring and control interface required by users as well as other TM Components (such as OET, Central Node) for a Subarray.


Used by autodoc_mock_imports.


Used by autodoc_mock_imports.


Used by autodoc_mock_imports.

class InitCommand(*args, **kwargs)

A class for the TMC SubarrayNode’s init_device() method.


Initializes the attributes and properties of the Subarray Node.

Returns:A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status.

The message is for information purpose only.

Return type:(ReturnCode, str)
Raises:DevFailed if the error while subscribing the tango attribute

Used by autodoc_mock_imports.


Used by autodoc_mock_imports.


Invokes Track command on the Dishes assigned to the Subarray.


Used by autodoc_mock_imports.


Internal construct of TANGO.


Internal construct of TANGO.


Initialises the command handlers for commands supported by this device.


Checks whether this command is allowed to be run in current device state

Returns:True if this command is allowed to be run in current device state
Return type:boolean
Raises:DevFailed if this command is not allowed to be run in current device state

Internal construct of TANGO. Returns activityMessage. Example: “Subarray node is initialized successfully” //result occured after initialization of device.


Internal construct of TANGO. Returns the receptor IDs allocated to the Subarray.


Internal construct of TANGO. Returns the scheduling block ID.


Internal construct of TANGO. Returns the Scan ID.

EXAMPLE: 123 Where 123 is a Scan ID from configuration json string.


Used by autodoc_mock_imports.


Used by autodoc_mock_imports.


Used by autodoc_mock_imports.


Internal construct of TANGO. Sets the activityMessage.

tmcprototype.subarraynode.src.subarraynode.subarray_node.main(args=None, **kwargs)

Runs the SubarrayNode. :param args: Arguments internal to TANGO :param kwargs: Arguments internal to TANGO :return: SubarrayNode TANGO object.


Used by autodoc_mock_imports.


Used by autodoc_mock_imports.


Used by autodoc_mock_imports.


Used by autodoc_mock_imports.


Used by autodoc_mock_imports.


Used by autodoc_mock_imports.


Used by autodoc_mock_imports.


Used by autodoc_mock_imports.


Used by autodoc_mock_imports.


Used by autodoc_mock_imports.


Used by autodoc_mock_imports.


Used by autodoc_mock_imports.

On Command class for SubarrayNode

class tmcprototype.subarraynode.src.subarraynode.on_command.On(*args, **kwargs)

A class for the SubarrayNode’s On() command.


This command invokes On Command on CSPSubarray and SDPSubarray through respective leaf nodes. This comamnd changes Subaray device state from OFF to ON.

Returns:A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only.
Return type:(ResultCode, str)
Raises:DevFailed if the command execution is not successful

set up csp devices


set up sdp devices


Off Command class for SubarrayNode

class tmcprototype.subarraynode.src.subarraynode.off_command.Off(*args, **kwargs)

A class for the SubarrayNodes’s Off() command.


This command invokes Off Command on CSPSubarray and SDPSubarray through respective leaf nodes. This comamnd changes Subaray device state from ON to OFF.

Returns:A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status.

The message is for information purpose only.

Return type:(ResultCode, str)
Raises:DevFailed if the command execution is not successful

AssignResourcesCommand class for SubarrayNode.

class tmcprototype.subarraynode.src.subarraynode.assign_resources_command.AssignResources(*args, **kwargs)

A class for SubarrayNode’s AssignResources() command.


This function accepts the receptor IDs list as input and invokes the assign resources command on the CSP Subarray Leaf Node.


List of strings Contains the list of strings that has the resources ids. Currently this list contains only receptor ids.

Example: [‘0001’, ‘0002’]

Returns:List of strings. Returns the list of CSP resources successfully assigned to the Subarray. Currently, the CSPSubarrayLeafNode.AssignResources function returns void. The function only loops back the input argument in case of successful resource allocation, or returns exception object in case of failure.

This function accepts the receptor ID list as input and assigns SDP resources to SDP Subarray through SDP Subarray Leaf Node.

Parameters:argin – List of strings Contains the list of strings that has the resources ids. Currently processing block ids are passed to this function.
Returns:List of strings.

Example: [‘PB1’, ‘PB2’]

Returns the list of successfully assigned resources. Currently the SDPSubarrayLeafNode.AssignResources function returns void. Thus, this function just loops back the input argument in case of success or returns exception object in case of failure.


Assigns resources to the subarray. It accepts receptor id list as well as SDP resources string as a DevString. Upon successful execution, the ‘receptorIDList’ attribute of the subarray is updated with the list of receptors and SDP resources string is pass to SDPSubarrayLeafNode, and returns list of assigned resources as well as passed SDP string as a DevString.

Note: Resource allocation for CSP and SDP resources is also implemented but currently CSP accepts only receptorIDList and SDP accepts resources allocated to it.

Parameters:argin – DevString.


{“dish”:{“receptorIDList”:[“0002”,”0001”]},”sdp”:{“id”: “sbi-mvp01-20200325-00001”,”max_length”:100.0,”scan_types”:[{“id”:”science_A”, “coordinate_system”:”ICRS”,”ra”:”02:42:40.771”,”dec”:”-00:00:47.84”,”channels”: [{“count”:744,”start”:0,”stride”:2,”freq_min”:0.35e9,”freq_max”:0.368e9, “link_map”:[[0,0],[200,1],[744,2],[944,3]]},{“count”:744,”start”:2000,”stride”:1, “freq_min”:0.36e9,”freq_max”:0.368e9,”link_map”:[[2000,4],[2200,5]]}]},{“id”: “calibration_B”,”coordinate_system”:”ICRS”,”ra”:”12:29:06.699”,”dec”:”02:03:08.598”, “channels”:[{“count”:744,”start”:0,”stride”:2,”freq_min”:0.35e9, “freq_max”:0.368e9,”link_map”:[[0,0],[200,1],[744,2],[944,3]]},{“count”:744, “start”:2000,”stride”:1,”freq_min”:0.36e9,”freq_max”:0.368e9,”link_map”:[[2000,4], [2200,5]]}]}],”processing_blocks”:[{“id”:”pb-mvp01-20200325-00001”,”workflow”: {“type”:”realtime”,”id”:”vis_receive”,”version”:”0.1.0”},”parameters”:{}}, {“id”:”pb-mvp01-20200325-00002”,”workflow”:{“type”:”realtime”,”id”:”test_realtime”, “version”:”0.1.0”},”parameters”:{}},{“id”:”pb-mvp01-20200325-00003”,”workflow”: {“type”:”batch”,”id”:”ical”,”version”:”0.1.0”},”parameters”:{},”dependencies”:[ {“pb_id”:”pb-mvp01-20200325-00001”,”type”:[“visibilities”]}]},{“id”: “pb-mvp01-20200325-00004”,”workflow”:{“type”:”batch”,”id”:”dpreb”,”version”:”0.1.0”}, “parameters”:{},”dependencies”:[{“pb_id”:”pb-mvp01-20200325-00003”,”type”: [“calibration”]}]}]}}

Returns:A tuple containing a return code and string of Resources added to the Subarray. Example of string of Resources :

as argout if allocation successful.

Return type:(ResultCode, str)
Raises:ValueError if input argument json string contains invalid value DevFailed if the command execution is not successful

Adds the receptors in dish leaf node group. The healthState and pointintgState attributes of all all the dishes are subscribed.

Note: Currently there are only receptors allocated so the group contains only receptor ids.

Parameters:argin – DevVarStringArray. List of receptor IDs to be allocated to subarray. Example: [‘0001’, ‘0002’]
Returns:DevVarStringArray. List of Resources added to the Subarray. Example: [‘0001’, ‘0002’]

ReleaseAllResources Command for SubarrayNode

class tmcprototype.subarraynode.src.subarraynode.release_all_resources_command.ReleaseAllResources(*args, **kwargs)

A class for SKASubarray’s ReleaseAllResources() command.


It checks whether all resources are already released. If yes then it throws error while executing command. If not it Releases all the resources from the subarray i.e. Releases resources from TMC Subarray Node, CSP Subarray and SDP Subarray. If the command execution fails, array of receptors(device names) which are failed to be released from the subarray, is returned to Central Node. Upon successful execution, all the resources of a given subarray get released and empty array is returned. Selective release is not yet supported.

Returns:A tuple containing a return code and “[]” as a string on successful release all resources.

Example: “[]” as string on successful release all resources.

Return type:(ResultCode, str)
Raises:DevFailed if the command execution is not successful

This function invokes releaseAllResources command on CSP Subarray via CSP Subarray Leaf Node.

Parameters:argin – DevVoid

This function invokes releaseAllResources command on SDP Subarray via SDP Subarray Leaf Node.

Parameters:argin – DevVoid

Configure Command class for SubarrayNode.

class tmcprototype.subarraynode.src.subarraynode.configure_command.Configure(*args, **kwargs)

A class for SubarrayNode’s Configure() command.


Configures the resources assigned to the Subarray.The configuration data for SDP, CSP and Dish is extracted out of the input configuration string and relayed to the respective underlying devices (SDP Subarray Leaf Node, CSP Subarray Leaf Node and Dish Leaf Node).

Parameters:argin – DevString.

JSON string that includes pointing parameters of Dish - Azimuth and Elevation Angle, CSP Configuration and SDP Configuration parameters. JSON string example is: {“pointing”:{“target”:{“system”:”ICRS”,”name”:”Polaris Australis”,”RA”:”21:08:47.92”,”dec”:”-88:57:22.9”}}, “dish”:{“receiverBand”:”1”},”csp”:{“id”:”sbi-mvp01-20200325-00001-science_A”,”frequencyBand”:”1”, “fsp”:[{“fspID”:1,”functionMode”:”CORR”,”frequencySliceID”:1,”integrationTime”:1400,”corrBandwidth”:0}]}, “sdp”:{“scan_type”:”science_A”},”tmc”:{“scanDuration”:10.0}} CSP block in json string is as per earlier implementation and not aligned to SP-872 Note: While invoking this command from JIVE, provide above JSON string without any space.

Returns:A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only.
Return type:(ReturnCode, str)
Raises:JSONDecodeError if input argument json string contains invalid value
class tmcprototype.subarraynode.src.subarraynode.configure_command.ElementDeviceData
static build_up_csp_cmd_data(scan_config, attr_name_map, receive_addresses_map)

Here the input data for CSP is build which is used in configuration of CSP. Below is the csp_config_schema variable value generated by using ska_telmodel library. {‘id’: ‘sbi-mvp01-20200325-00001-science_A’, ‘frequencyBand’: ‘1’, ‘fsp’: [{‘fspID’: 1, ‘functionMode’ : ‘CORR’, ‘frequencySliceID’: 1, ‘integrationTime’: 1400, ‘corrBandwidth’: 0, ‘channelAveragingMap’: [[0, 2], [744, 0]], ‘fspChannelOffset’: 0, ‘outputLinkMap’: [[0, 0], [200, 1]], ‘outputHost’: [[0, ‘’], [400, ‘’]], ‘outputMac’: [[0, ‘06-00-00-00-00-00’]], ‘outputPort’: [[0, 9000, 1], [400, 9000, 1]]}, {‘fspID’: 2, ‘functionMode’: ‘CORR’, ‘frequencySliceID’: 2, ‘integrationTime’: 1400, ‘corrBandwidth’: 0, ‘channelAveragingMap’: [[0, 2], [744, 0]], ‘fspChannelOffset’: 744, ‘outputLinkMap’: [[0, 4], [200, 5]], ‘outputHost’: [[0, ‘’], [400, ‘’]], ‘outputMac’: [[0, ‘06-00-00-00-00-01’]], ‘outputPort’: [[0, 9000, 1], [400, 9000, 1]]}]}

Returns:csp confiuration schema
static build_up_dsh_cmd_data(scan_config)
static build_up_sdp_cmd_data(scan_config)

Scan Command class for SubarrayNode

class tmcprototype.subarraynode.src.subarraynode.scan_command.Scan(*args, **kwargs)

A class for SubarrayNode’s Scan() command.


This command accepts id as input. And it Schedule scan on subarray from where scan command is invoked on respective CSP and SDP subarray node for the provided interval of time. It checks whether the scan is already in progress. If yes it throws error showing duplication of command.

Parameters:argin – DevString. JSON string containing id.

JSON string example as follows:

{“id”: 1}

Note: Above JSON string can be used as an input argument while invoking this command from JIVE.

Returns:A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status.

The message is for information purpose only.

Return type:(ReturnCode, str)
Raises:DevFailed if the command execution is not successful
scan_csp(device_data, argin)

set up csp devices

scan_sdp(device_data, argin)

set up sdp devices

class tmcprototype.subarraynode.src.subarraynode.scan_command.ScanThread

A class to start the Scan threading.


EndScan Command class for SubarrayNode.

class tmcprototype.subarraynode.src.subarraynode.end_scan_command.EndScan(*args, **kwargs)

A class for SubarrayNode’s EndScan() command.


Ends the scan. It is invoked on subarray after completion of the scan duration. It can also be invoked by an external client while a scan is in progress, Which stops the scan immediately irrespective of the provided scan duration.

Returns:A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status.

The message is for information purpose only.

Return type:(ReturnCode, str)
Raises:DevFailed if the command execution is not successful.

set up csp devices


set up sdp devices

End Command class for SubarrayNode.

class tmcprototype.subarraynode.src.subarraynode.end_command.End(*args, **kwargs)

A class for SubarrayNode’s End() command.


This command on Subarray Node invokes EndSB command on CSP Subarray Leaf Node and SDP Subarray Leaf Node, and stops tracking of all the assigned dishes.

Returns:A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status.

The message is for information purpose only.

Return type:(ResultCode, str)
Raises:DevFailed if the command execution is not successful.

set up csp devices


set up sdp devices


Abort Command for SubarrayNode.

class tmcprototype.subarraynode.src.subarraynode.abort_command.Abort(*args, **kwargs)

A class for SubarrayNode’s Abort() command.


set up csp devices


set up sdp devices


This command on Subarray Node invokes Abort command on CSP Subarray Leaf Node and SDP Subarray Leaf Node, and stops tracking of all the assigned dishes.

Returns:A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only.
Return type:(ResultCode, str)
Raises:DevFailed if error occurs in invoking command on any of the devices like CSPSubarrayLeafNode, SDPSubarrayLeafNode or DishLeafNode

Restart Command for SubarrayNode.

class tmcprototype.subarraynode.src.subarraynode.restart_command.Restart(*args, **kwargs)

A class for SubarrayNode’s Restart() command.


This command invokes Restart command on CSPSubarrayLeafNode, SDpSubarrayLeafNode and DishLeafNode.

Returns:A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only.
Return type:(ResultCode, str)
Raises:DevFailed if error occurs while invoking command on CSPSubarrayLeafNode, SDpSubarrayLeafNode or DishLeafNode.
restart_leaf_nodes(leaf_node_fqdn, info_string)

set up sdp devices

ObsReset Command for SubarrayNode.

class tmcprototype.subarraynode.src.subarraynode.obsreset_command.ObsReset(*args, **kwargs)

A class for SubarrayNode’s ObsReset() command.


This command invokes ObsReset command on CspSubarrayLeafNode, SdpSubarrayLeafNode and DishLeafNode.

Returns:A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only.
Return type:(ResultCode, str)
Raises:DevFailed if error occurs while invoking command on CspSubarrayLeafNode, SdpSubarrayLeafNode or DishLeafNode.

set up csp devices


set up sdp devices

Track Command class for SubarrayNode.

class tmcprototype.subarraynode.src.subarraynode.track_command.Track(*args, **kwargs)

A class for SubarrayNode’s Track command.


Checks whether this command is allowed to be run in current device state.

Returns:True if this command is allowed to be run in current device state
Return type:boolean
Raises:DevFailed if this command is not allowed to be run in current device state

Invokes Track command on the Dishes assigned to the Subarray.

Parameters:argin – DevString

Example: radec|21:08:47.92|-88:57:22.9 as argin Argin to be provided is the Ra and Dec values where first value is tag that is radec, second value is Ra in Hr:Min:Sec, and third value is Dec in Deg:Min:Sec.

Returns:A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status.

The message is for information purpose only.

Return type:(ResultCode, str)