Dish Leaf Node

A Leaf control node for DishMaster.

class tmcprototype.dishleafnode.src.dishleafnode.dish_leaf_node.DishLeafNode(*args, **kwargs)

A Leaf control node for DishMaster.


Invokes Abort command on the DishMaster.

class AbortCommand(*args, **kwargs)

A class for DishLeafNode’s Abort command.


Checks whether this command is allowed to be run in current device state

Returns:True if this command is allowed to be run in current device state
Return type:boolean
Raises:DevFailed if this command is not allowed to be run in current device state

Invokes Abort command on the DishMaster.

Parameters:argin – DevVoid
Raises:DevFailed if error ocuurs while invoking command on DishMaster.

Configures the Dish by setting pointing coordinates for a given observation.

class ConfigureCommand(*args, **kwargs)

A class for DishLeafNode’s Configure() command.


Checks whether this command is allowed to be run in the current device state.

Returns:True if this command is allowed to be run in current device state.
Return type:boolean
Raises:DevFailed if this command is not allowed to be run in current device state.

Configures the Dish by setting pointing coordinates for a given scan. This function accepts the input json and calculate pointing parameters of Dish- Azimuth and Elevation Angle. Calculated parameters are again converted to json and fed to the dish master.


A String in a JSON format that includes pointing parameters of Dish- Azimuth and Elevation Angle.

Example: {“pointing”:{“target”:{“system”:”ICRS”,”name”:”Polaris Australis”,”RA”:”21:08:47.92”,”dec”:”-88:57:22.9”}}, “dish”:{“receiverBand”:”1”}}
Returns:A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only.
Return type:(ResultCode, str)
Raises:DevFailed if error occurs while invoking this command on DishMaster. ValueError if argin is not in valid JSON format. KeyError if JSON key is not present in argin

Used by autodoc_mock_imports.


Invokes StopCapture command on DishMaster.

class EndScanCommand(*args, **kwargs)

A class for DishLeafNode’s EndScan() command.


Checks whether this command is allowed to be run in the current device state.

Returns:True if this command is allowed to be run in current device state.
Return type:boolean
Raises:DevFailed if this command is not allowed to be run in current device state.

Invokes EndScan command on DishMaster.

Parameters:argin – timestamp
Returns:A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only.
Return type:(ResultCode, str)

Example: 10.0

Raises:ValueError if argin is of invalid (other than float) data type while invoking this command.
class InitCommand(*args, **kwargs)

A class for the TMC DishLeafNode’s init_device() method.


Initializes the attributes and properties of the DishLeafNode.

Returns:A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only.
Return type:(ResultCode, str)
Raises:DevFailed if error occurs in creating proxy for DishMaster or in subscribing the event on DishMaster

Invokes ObsReset command on the DishLeafNode.

class ObsResetCommand(*args, **kwargs)

A class for DishLeafNode’s ObsReset command.


Checks whether this command is allowed to be run in current device state

Returns:True if this command is allowed to be run in current device state
Return type:boolean
Raises:DevFailed if this command is not allowed to be run in current device state

Command to reset the Dishleaf Node and bring it to its RESETTING state.

Parameters:argin – None
Raises:DevFailed if error occurs while invoking command on Dishleaf Node.

Invokes Restart command on the DishMaster.

class RestartCommand(*args, **kwargs)

A class for DishLeafNode’s Restart command.


Checks whether this command is allowed to be run in current device state

Returns:True if this command is allowed to be run in current device state
Return type:boolean
Raises:DevFailed if this command is not allowed to be run in current device state

Invokes Restart command on the DishMaster.

Parameters:argin – DevVoid
raises: DevFailed if error occurs while invoking command on DishMaster
Exception if error occurs while executing the command

Invokes Scan command on DishMaster.

class ScanCommand(*args, **kwargs)

A class for DishLeafNode’s Scan() command.


Checks whether this command is allowed to be run in the current device state.

Returns:True if this command is allowed to be run in current device state.
Return type:boolean

Invokes Scan command on DishMaster.

Parameters:argin – timestamp
Returns:A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only.
Return type:(ResultCode, str)

Example: 10.0

Raises:ValurError if argin is of invalid (other than float) data type while invoking this command.

Invokes SetOperateMode command on DishMaster.

class SetOperateModeCommand(*args, **kwargs)

A class for DishLeafNode’s SetOperateMode() command.


Checks whether this command is allowed to be run in the current device state.

Returns:True if this command is allowed to be run in current device state.
Return type:boolean

Invokes SetOperateMode command on DishMaster.

Returns:A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only.
Return type:(ResultCode, str)

Invokes SetStandbyLPMode (i.e. Low Power State) command on DishMaster.

class SetStandByLPModeCommand(*args, **kwargs)

A class for DishLeafNode’s SetStandByLPMode() command.


Checks whether this command is allowed to be run in the current device state.

Returns:True if this command is allowed to be run in current device state.
Return type:boolean
Raises:DevFailed if this command is not allowed to be run in current device state.

Invokes SetStandbyLPMode (i.e. Low Power State) command on DishMaster.

Returns:A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only.
Return type:(ResultCode, str)

Invokes SetStandbyFPMode command on DishMaster (Standby-Full power) mode.

class SetStandbyFPModeCommand(*args, **kwargs)

A class for DishLeafNode’s SetStandByFPMode() command.


Checks whether this command is allowed to be run in current device state.

Returns:True if this command is allowed to be run in current device state.
Return type:boolean
Raises:DevFailed if this command is not allowed to be run in current device state.

Invokes SetStandbyFPMode command on DishMaster (Standby-Full power) mode.

Returns:A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only.
Return type:(ResultCode, str)

Invokes SetStowMode command on DishMaster.

class SetStowModeCommand(*args, **kwargs)

A class for DishLeafNode’s SetStowMode() command.


Checks whether the command is allowed to be run in the current state.

Returns:True if this command is allowed to be run in current device state.
Return type:boolean
Raises:DevFailed if this command is not allowed to be run in current device state.

Invokes SetStowMode command on DishMaster.

Returns:A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only.
Return type:(ResultCode, str)

Invokes Slew command on DishMaster to slew the dish towards the set pointing coordinates.

class SlewCommand(*args, **kwargs)

A class for DishLeafNode’s SlewCommand() command.


Checks whether this command is allowed to be run in the current device state.

Returns:True if this command is allowed to be run in current device state.
Return type:boolean
Raises:DevFailed if this command is not allowed to be run in current device state.

Invokes Slew command on DishMaster to slew the dish towards the set pointing coordinates.

Parameters:argin – timestamp
Returns:A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only.
Return type:(ResultCode, str)
Raises:ValueError if argin is not in valid JSON format while invoking this command on DishMaster.

Triggers the DishMaster to Start capture on the set configured band.

class StartCaptureCommand(*args, **kwargs)

A class for DishLeafNode’s StartCapture() command.


Checks whether this command is allowed to be run in the current device state.

Returns:True if this command is allowed to be run in current device state.
Return type:boolean
Raises:DevFailed if this command is not allowed to be run in current device state.

Invokes StartCapture command on DishMaster on the set configured band.

Parameters:argin – timestamp
Returns:A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only.
Return type:(ResultCode, str)
Raises:ValueError if argin is not in valid JSON format while invoking this command on DishMaster.

Invokes StopCapture command on DishMaster on the set configured band.

class StopCaptureCommand(*args, **kwargs)

A class for DishLeafNode’s StopCapture() command.


Checks whether this command is allowed to be run in the current device state.

Returns:True if this command is allowed to be run in current device state.
Return type:boolean
Raises:DevFailed if this command is not allowed to be run in current device state.

Invokes StopCapture command on DishMaster on the set configured band.

Parameters:argin – timestamp
Returns:A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status.

The message is for information purpose only.

Return type:(ResultCode, str)
Raises:ValueError if argin is not in valid JSON format while invoking this command on DishMaster.

Invokes StopTrack command on the DishMaster.

class StopTrackCommand(*args, **kwargs)

A class for DishLeafNode’s StopTrack() command.


Checks whether this command is allowed to be run in the current device state.

Returns:True if this command is allowed to be run in current device state.
Return type:boolean
Raises:DevFailed if this command is not allowed to be run in current device state.

Invokes StopTrack command on the DishMaster.

Parameters:argin – None.
Returns:A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only.
Return type:(ResultCode, str)
Raises:DevFailed if error occurs while invoking this command on DishMaster.

Invokes Track command on the DishMaster.

class TrackCommand(*args, **kwargs)

A class for DishLeafNode’s Track() command.


Checks whether this command is allowed to be run in the current device state.

Returns:True if this command is allowed to be run in current device state.
Return type:boolean
Raises:DevFailed if this command is not allowed to be run in current device state.

Invokes Track command on the DishMaster.

Parameters:argin – DevString

The elevation limit thread allows Dish to track a source till the observation capacity i.e. elevation limit of dish.

The tracking time thread allows dish to track a source for the prespecified Track Duration (provided elevation limit is not reached).

For Track command, argin to be provided is the Ra and Dec values in the following JSON format:

{“pointing”:{“target”:{“system”:”ICRS”,”name”:”Polaris Australis”,”RA”:”21:08:47.92”,”dec”:”-88:57:22.9”}}, “dish”:{“receiverBand”:”1”}}

Returns:A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only.
Return type:(ResultCode, str)
Raises:JSONDecodeError if argin is not a valid JSON format, KeyError if JSON key is not present in argin while invoking this command on DishMaster.

Used by autodoc_mock_imports.


Used by autodoc_mock_imports.


Internal construct of TANGO.


Retrieves the subscribed attribute of DishMaster.

Parameters:evt – A TANGO_CHANGE event on attribute.

Converts RaDec coordinate in to AzEl coordinate using KATPoint library.

Parameters:data – DevVarStringArray

Argin to be provided is the Ra and Dec values in the following format: radec|21:08:47.92|89:15:51.4 Where first value is tag that is radec, second value is Ra in Hr:Min:Sec,and third value is Dec in Deg:Min:Sec.

Raises:Exception if error occurs in Ra-Dec to Az-El conversion

Internal construct of TANGO.


Used by autodoc_mock_imports.


Used by autodoc_mock_imports.


Initialises the command handlers for commands supported by this device.


Checks whether this command is allowed to be run in current device state

Returns:True if this command is allowed to be run in current device state
Return type:boolean

Checks whether this command is allowed to be run in the current device state.

Returns:True if this command is allowed to be run in current device state.
Return type:boolean

Checks whether this command is allowed to be run in the current device state.

Returns:True if this command is allowed to be run in current device state.
Return type:boolean

Checks whether this command is allowed to be run in current device state

Returns:True if this command is allowed to be run in current device state
Return type:boolean

Checks whether this command is allowed to be run in current device state

Returns:True if this command is allowed to be run in current device state
Return type:boolean

Checks whether this command is allowed to be run in the current device state.

Returns:True if this command is allowed to be run in current device state.
Return type:boolean

Checks whether this command is allowed to be run in the current device state.

Returns:True if this command is allowed to be run in current device state.
Return type:boolean

Checks whether this command is allowed to be run in the current device state.

Returns:True if this command is allowed to be run in current device state.
Return type:boolean

Checks whether this command is allowed to be run in the current device state.

Returns:True if this command is allowed to be run in current device state
Return type:boolean

Checks whether the command is allowed to be run in the current state.

Returns:True if this command is allowed to be run in current device state.
Return type:boolean

Checks whether this command is allowed to be run in the current device state.

Returns:True if this command is allowed to be run in current device state.
Return type:boolean

Checks whether this command is allowed to be run in the current device state.

Returns:True if this command is allowed to be run in current device state.
Return type:boolean

Checks whether this command is allowed to be run in the current device state.

Returns:True if this command is allowed to be run in current device state.
Return type:boolean

Checks whether this command is allowed to be run in the current device state.

Returns:True if this command is allowed to be run in current device state.
Return type:boolean

Checks whether this command is allowed to be run in the current device state.

Returns:True if this command is allowed to be run in current device state.
Return type:boolean

Returns the activityMessage


This thread invokes Track command on DishMaster at the rate of 20 Hz.


This thread allows the dish to track the source for a specified Duration.


Internal construct of TANGO. Sets the activityMessage

tmcprototype.dishleafnode.src.dishleafnode.dish_leaf_node.main(args=None, **kwargs)

Runs the DishLeafNode. :param args: Arguments internal to TANGO :param kwargs: Arguments internal to TANGO :return: DishLeafNode TANGO object.